Public Consultation - Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget
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Deputation Requests

What is a deputation?A deputation is an individual or a group from the community who attend a Council meeting to present an issue of concern to the Elected Members, which is within the power of The Southern Mallee District Council to consider.

Please read the Deputation guidelines on how deputations are to be conducted.

How can I apply to address Council in a deputation?
If you wish to make a deputation please complete this request for deputation form and send it to or PO Box 49, Pinnaroo SA 5304 or deliver it to the front counter of our offices in Pinnaroo and Lameroo.

What happens if my application to address Council has been approved? Once your application for a deputation has been approved, you will receive confirmation of the time and date of the meeting. Please note that the ordinary meetings of Council are usually held on the third Wednesday each month starting at 6.30pm and alternate between the Lameroo and Pinnaroo Offices. Please contact the Council to confirm the date, time and location of the next meeting.

What happens in the Council meeting?At the appropriate time within the meeting agenda, you will be invited by the Mayor to come forward and stand infront of the Elected Members. Please then state your name and address the Elected Members about the topic you have nominated.

Deputations are allocated up to 5 minutes to speak and Elected Members may then take the opportunity to ask you questions. 

Your deputation is limited to the topic for which you have nominated.

A Council meeting is a formal occasion and so please address the Mayor as “Mayor” and other Elected Members as “Councillor”.

The deputation will normally be part of a public agenda, with members of the public in attendance. There are no legal rules which protect a speaker from defamation, so please be mindful of this during your deputation.

Once you have made your deputation you will be thanked by the Mayor and can return to the public gallery. You are not permitted to take part in any of the following debate or ask questions during that time.

Members of the public are welcome to sit in the public gallery, but are not permitted to take part in the debate or ask questions.

What if I have supporting materials for my deputation? If you have printed material you wish to hand to the Elected Members at the meeting, please provide 10 copies to Council administration prior to the meeting. This material may be publicly released as part of the Council minutes.

PowerPoint presentations should be sent to Council administration at least 3 days prior to the meeting so that they can be uploaded and ready to view at the meeting.

Should you have further questions please contact the Governance Officer on or 8577 8002